The Future of AR Technology: Predictions and Possibilities

May 13, 2022


Augmented Reality (AR) technology has revolutionized the way we interact with digital content in real-time. It enhances our sensory perception by overlaying computer-generated images or information on top of the real-world view. AR has numerous applications in various fields, including education, healthcare, entertainment, retail, and gaming.

AR technology has advanced tremendously over the years, from simple markers and overlays to sophisticated 3D models and spatial mapping. With the rise of immersive technologies like Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Extended Reality (XR), AR has become an integral part of our digital lives. In this blog post, we'll summarize the current state of AR technology and provide unbiased comparisons of AR devices, followed by predictions and possibilities for its future.

AR Devices Comparison

There are several AR devices available in the market, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Let's compare some of the popular AR devices:

Device FOV (Field of View) Resolution Battery Life Price
HoloLens 2 52° 47 pixels/degree 3 hours $3,500
Magic Leap 1 50° 4 pixels/degree 3 hours $2,295
Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 16° 8 pixels/degree 8 hours $999
Vuzix Blade AR Smart Glasses 30° diagonal 10 pixels/degree 2 hours $799

As you can see, the HoloLens 2 has the highest FOV and resolution, but it comes with a steep price tag. On the other hand, the Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 is the most affordable option, but it has a smaller FOV and lower resolution. Battery life is another crucial factor to consider when choosing an AR device, as users generally require long hours of use.

Predictions and Possibilities

The future of AR technology looks very promising. With the continuous advancements in computer vision, AI, and wearable technology, AR is poised to become an integral part of our daily lives. Here are some of the predictions and possibilities for AR technology:

Improved Hardware

AR devices are getting smaller, lighter, and more powerful than ever before. Future AR headsets may be no larger than a pair of sunglasses, providing an immersive experience without being tethered to a bulky device. The hardware improvements will contribute to better battery life, higher resolution, and a wider FOV.

Widespread Adoption

AR technology has already proven its potential in various fields, including healthcare, education, and gaming. As the hardware and software continue to improve, we can expect widespread adoption in various industries, particularly in areas such as remote assistance, telemedicine, and e-commerce.

Spatial Computing

Spatial computing is the next evolution of AR technology. It involves merging the physical and digital worlds and allowing users to interact with virtual objects in real-time. Spatial computing could bring significant advancements in fields such as education, design, and manufacturing.

5G and Edge Computing

The rollout of 5G networks and edge computing will significantly benefit AR technology. 5G's high bandwidth and low latency will enable more immersive and responsive AR experiences, while edge computing will provide faster processing speeds and low latency.


AR technology has come a long way since its inception, and it's only going to get better. The hardware and software advancements, along with the widespread adoption of AR technology in various fields, are some of the possibilities and predictions for its future. AR technology's impact on our daily lives could be transformative, providing us with new and innovative ways to learn, work, and entertain ourselves.


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